World Neighbor
After our adventure and late night on the way in, Demetria and I woke up late and hit Old San Juan. We saw several interesting sites. Aside from the standards like El Morro fort and the beautiful waterfront we spied some cool graffiti art.

I was lovin’ the rice and beans. The rice was a shorter grain and had a much better taste to it than the rice I typically eat at home. The food was great everywhere we went. I went for the spicy stuff. It’s not good unless it makes you sweat. For obvious reasons the seafood was fresh and fantastic. We toured the big El Morro fort and checked out the period weaponry. There were cannons and cannonballs on display. The kids would have loved this stuff.

There was a bunch of people flying kites in the big field in front of the fort. The location was perfect with steady gusty winds. It was a great way to just hang out and gel with the locals. Everyone that we encountered was very nice. I could get used to the island life! We took the bus back and forth to Old San Juan since it was regularly scheduled and convenient. I tried my first Mojito…with my low blood sugar this sucker got me revving! Of course I usually crash as soon as I get spastic from the sugar high so I don’t often partake in sugary drinks. But since rum is the national drink I had to…really it’s like a law that I did not want to break. I was also able to enjoy a few Puerto Rican brews (Medalla) so I balanced the load.