I grew tired of spending $1.50 a minute using my mobile to call home. I sought out a call center in the main square in Patzcuaro. There were a few to choose from and they only charged .15 cents a minute so I was all over that. I gave my home number to the highly made up girl behind the counter and she punched it in. She told me “cinco” as she applied yet another layer of mascara onto her pitch black eyelashes. I ran over to booth five and closed the glass door behind me. My wife, Demetria, answered and we were in business. While it was kind of a pain in the ass to walk four blocks to make a phone call but at least I was saving some scratch. As long as I remembered to bring my anti-bacterial wipes to remove the scunge off the receiver I was good to go.
I told Demetria all about the awe-inspiring voice of the girl from the previous night. I also regaled her with my margarita soaked tales of newly found friends. She in turn told me some wonderful stories of mac and cheese, hot dogs, and soccer practice. OK…I get it…I will tone down the fact that I have been eating some of the most delicious food in a long while. I will relax with my bragging about cigar smoking, tequila drinking and comfortable bed sleepin’. But seriously, I can’t wait until tomorrow when I will get that delectable cup o’ flan from the little corner restaurante.
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