Monday, April 21, 2008

World Neighbor Makes it to Mexico

I just landed in Mexico City. I had to pull out my best pidgin Spanish to get myself from the international terminal over to terminal one and then out to an authorized taxi. The taxi is taking me to the bus stop and the bus will take me on a 4-hour ride to Morelia. Who says I don’t suffer for my art!

So far, so good except for the fact that my taxi driver got his license from the Dale Earnhardt school of traffic management. We are in the process of zipping in and out of lanes with road signs and pavement markings only utilized as a mere suggestion. I called up my wife Demetria via my $1.50 per minute Sprint cell phone roaming service (Get me to an Internet café and some cheaper prices!! I let her know I was safe and sound…although I did not mention that my taxi driver was doing his best to trade paint with a classic Volkswagen bug driving next to us.

Visit the World Neighbor Edu-tainment Site!

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