It turns out that zebra are a cranky and aggressive relative of the donkey, so we couldn’t get too close. However, the kids were able to feed the zebra and the zebra were able to roam free in the “zebra zone” with the kids off to one side on the grassy knoll. Everyone came out for a visit except Zoe. Turns out she is a bit of a diva so she stayed behind bars voluntarily. We saw and interacted with many different animals. Here is a partial list: chickens, chinchillas, dogs, horses, ducks, geese, parrots, owls, tortoises, llama, gazelle, rats, flamingoes and of course, zebra. They fed many of the animals, grabbed some eggs from under a chicken’s cha cha, and held several frenetic fuzzy friends. This was one of the most memorable experiences that the family has ever taken part in. Everyone was extremely excited.
BTW…Thalia asked the zoologist, Ann, the eternal question…is a zebra black with white stripes or white with black stripes. Ann said that was a wonderful question! However, she had to politely inform us that we were wrong on all counts. The zebra is actually white with BROWN stripes. As the zebra grows older the stripes get darker, but if you look very closely you will see that the stripes are a deep, dark brown that appear black from afar. Well, you learn something new every day!! 

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